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Babysitting on Sea Island
Child care sitter helping child
Child care activities on Saint Simons
Fun sitter playing with baby
Weekend care with happy toddlers
Nanny caring for baby on Jekyll Island

Golden Isles Sitters is committed to providing families with a sitter who is vibrant, nurturing, and dependable.

A newborn specialist holding a baby on Saint Simons Island
Fun and dependable sitter playing with a toddler
Child care sitter being active with a special needs child
Nanny allowing baby to explore and play

Care & Services

Full-Time Nanny Placement
Part-Time Nanny Placement
Temporary Nanny Placement
Newborn Care Specialist
Occasional Babysitter
One-Time Sitter
Temporary Weekend Care
Overnight Care

Full-Time Nanny Placement
Part-Time Nanny Placement
Temporary Nanny Placement
Newborn Care Specialist
Occasional Babysitter
One-Time Sitter
Temporary Weekend Care
Overnight Care
and more!

Most affordable sitters in Brunswick, Sea Island, Saint Simons, Jekyll Island, Little Saint Simons in Georgia
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Golden Isles Sitter's Fees

For a more detailed breakdown of fees
and services, please click here.

Infant asleep during weekend care on Sea Island
Sitter teaching baby to walk during weekend care on Jekyll Island
Fun and happy sitter teaching preschool child
Happy child eating watermelon in Brunswick, Georgia

Sitter's Rate

inexpensive sitters in Brunswick, Sea Island, Saint Simons, Jekyll Island, Little Saint Simons in Georgia
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